Saturday, 16 January 2010

#16: Any Excuse Really.

I've noticed that when I ride around town with the flow, keeping speed with the rest of traffic, being the good responsible road user that I am - there seems to be a lot more close calls happening around me. More cars will pull out suddenly, taxi's will cut across lanes, I'll find myself rubbing handlebars with the bikes next door, jostling for position.

This doesn't happen when I ride at my usual pace - still good and responsible, just a bit quicker, a bit more alert, a bit more ahead of the pack, getting the lines around the buses, making use of the alleys and pavements around the lights. You're never in one place long enough for an accident to happen. All the times I've ever fallen off my bike happened at low speeds after all...

Moral of the story? Erm, the only one I have for now is:
Slow = Stressful and Dangerous. Quick = A Much Better Wakeup Buzz Than Coffee.

Ahh, such a great role model. =)

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