Sunday, 24 January 2010

#24: Ad Infinitum

I was born to make, tinker and poke. From my LEGO and BRIO sets when I was lil, to my engineering degree, to my hobby projects, it's my calling; It's what I do best.

There is however, a reason why I don't have a more tinkery, pokey main career. Yet.

I was also born obsessively single minded. It's great. Once I have my mind fixated on a project, it's all I will think about, whether I'd like to or not, conscious or not. That's it, I will eat, sleep, drink the project no matter what I'm actually supposed to be doing.

The logic goes like this:

If there's a problem in the project, you don't wanna stop until you've figured out a solution. Even if you're taking a break, you'll wanna be close by in case the answer comes to you in the middle of your bubble bath.

If you're making progress on the project, then you're on a roll! You don't wanna stop now!

Oh and I'm also absent minded. Any breakthroughs I come up with while on the toilet will have to be immediately implemented lest I forget it later...

Where do you think I'm typing this entry right now?

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