Tuesday, 7 September 2010

#250: Oh, To Be Wonky Again.

For my final week, I'm suddenly finding myself covering kindergarten classes in a school way way waaaaay on the other side of town. Despite the length of time I've worked as an English teacher, I've actually never done a proper kindy schedule before (8:45am-4pm days as opposed to 1pm-9:30pm days).

On the one hand, I'm thankful for the extra hours, the challenge and fun of actually learning something new again - and the fact that these tiny lil geniuses are freaking amazingly cheery blighters!

On the other hand though... having to wake up at 7am everyday is really kicking my arse.

A regular human bean might say that is not exactly excessive, some might go as far as to say that it's actually what normal people have to do everyday of their lives. Quite naturally and happily... well maybe not all quite so happily.

But, whoever said I was built to be regular?? (O_o)

3more days... I can hang on for 3...more...days...

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